At the White House's annual Gay Pride reception on Wednesday, President Barack Obama refused to endorse gay marriage.

After touting his administration's accomplishments on LGBT issues, including repeal of “Don't Ask, Don't Tell,” passage of a gay-inclusive hate crimes law and lifting of the HIV travel ban, the president began to veer in the direction of marriage equality but stopped short of an endorsement.

Progress, Obama said, “happens when a father realizes he doesn't just love his daughter, but also her partner. It happens when a soldier tells his unit that he's gay, and they say, well, yeah, we knew that but, you know, you're a good soldier. It happens when a video sparks a movement to let every single young person out there know that they're not alone. It happens when people look past their differences to understand common humanity.”

In answering a reporter's question about his personal position on gay marriage, Obama answered: “I'm not going to make news on that today. Good try, though.” (The video is embedded in the right panel of this page.)

The president has said he supports civil unions for gay and lesbian couples, but more recently he's added that he's “evolving” on the issue.

Obama also skirted the issue at a gay fundraiser in New York last week.