America I am speaking to you today as a “Gay American”. Those now famous words have been swirling in my mind over the past few days. After laying low for the past few months Jim McGreevey is back in the limelight of his own making – pushing his new self-help book “How not to get caught cheating on the wife with another man” on Oprah and showing off his new found homo-ness on the cover of The Advocate which features the headline, “Happy at Last!”

After failing Gay America, McGreevey has the nerve to want to sell us his story – and it’s a happy one. How could this be?

For a fresh perspective I decide to ring-up Bobby. After the usual formalities and a small side step on the matter of an upcoming birthday, I find an opportunity ask my question.

“What do you think of McGreevey?” I ask.

“I like him. I caught his Oprah interview on” Bobby replies.

Stunned I ask why. “McGreevey was a victim of our homophobic society, he rose to power anyway and then stood up and told everyone who he really was. What he was really saying was ‘Screw you old farts!’ I like that”

“McGreevey,” I reply, “was no victim. The victims were the good gay people of NJ who suffered under his self-imposed homophobia and self-hatred, the victims of McGreevey included his wife and children who innocently accepted him as husband and father. If McGreevey was a true hero he would have stood against homophobia while in a position of power as the Governor of NJ where he could have elected to do some good, he could have been a hero to his family by being honest with them at a point in his life before he married and fathered. McGreevey stood up and said ‘Screw you old farts’ when he got caught with his hands in the cookie jar. That does not take much courage!”

“You’re right, you’re always right.” Bobby answers, with a slight tone. And then adds, “Greedy McGreevey!”

“Gree-dee McGre-veee,” I announce.

“Mc-Gre-vaaaaaay!” Bobby adds with more enthusiasm.

Just then the second line rings, I answer it. It’s Dan.

“What’s up?” He says.

“Not much, you?” I reply.

“OOOOH, what’s with the mood?”

“No mood, just…well, Bobby’s on the other line,” I say.

“OOOOH, can’t keep Bobby waiting for me! That’s for sure,” Dan hisses.

“OK,” I say, shaking my head, “you need to STOP. Bobby is helping write an article on McGreevey.”

“Who’s McGreevey?” Dan asks.

“Exactly,” I respond. Then think, “Exactly why I did not call you!

“So spill.” I demand.

“You going up to Buffalo Bowl tonight?”

“No, I’m writing my article on McGreevey,” I state.

“It’s NOT a real magazine, you know,” Dan says, appalled. “It’s ten cent wing night and Paul’s gonna be there.”

There’s a pause, then I relent. “OK. I’ll meet you there at ten. If you get there first save us a table in the balcony, I want a good view of that ass that won’t quit!”

I guess then, when it comes to McGreevey I will need to wait for the book tour and read all about it. Then, Gay America, you can judge for yourself.