The General Law Committee of Argentina's Senate will take up a gay marriage bill on Tuesday, reported.

The committee is chaired by Liliana Negre de Alonso, who has said that while she disagrees with giving gay and lesbian couples the right to marry, she won't block debate on the issue.

After more than 12 hours of debate, Argentina's lower house, the Chamber of Deputies (la Camara de Diputados), approved the bill on May 6. One-hundred-twenty-five lawmakers opted for a bill that gives gay couples the right to marry – including the right to adopt – over a civil unions bill that did not include gay adoption. Five deputies decided to abstain, while 109 lawmakers rejected the measure.

Argentine President Christina Fernandez de Kirchner has said she would not block the measure from becoming law, if approved by senators.

The measure is not expected to reach the Senate floor until July, where it is expected to face a tight vote. The bill has attracted an even number of supporters and opponents among senators, according to a poll conducted by news agency DyN released Thursday. One senator has decided to abstain,while another 17 refused to answer.

Gay marriage has dominated national headlines since December when two men married for the first time in Latin America. Just days before deputies debated the measure, Alejandro Luna and Gilles Grall, a Frenchman, became the fifth gay couple to marry in Argentina.

The Roman Catholic Church is strongly opposed to the legislation.