Dozens of faith organizations have added their support to a bill that seeks to protect same-sex marriage.

The Respect for Marriage Act cleared the House in July with the support of 47 Republicans. It would codify the Supreme Court's 2015 ruling in Obergefell that struck down laws and constitutional amendments that defined marriage as a heterosexual union, ushering in nationwide marriage equality.

Democrats argue that the bill is necessary to protect marriage equality after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June, reversing federal abortion protections.

In a letter to Congress, 40 prominent faith-based organizations backed passage of the bill.

“Across religious traditions, we honor the common tenet that every person has inherent dignity and worth,” the letter states. “And wherever we call home, we share the desire to care for our families with love and commitment.”

“Within our communities, we approach matters of marriage, family, and identity differently. This bill recognizes this diversity of belief while ensuring that same-sex and interracial couples are treated with equal respect within the public sphere.” the groups said.

A vote in the Senate – where 10 GOP votes are needed – has been delayed until after the midterms, a move widely believed taken by the bill's sponsors to shore up support among Republicans.

Groups such as the Interfaith Alliance and Catholics for Choice signed the letter and called on Senators to approve the legislation.

Same-sex marriage is widely supported by most major religious groups, including 83 percent of Jewish Americans, more than 70 percent of Catholics and Protestants, and more than half of Muslims, according to a Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) poll released in March.