The U.S. Senate on Tuesday confirmed the nomination of Chantale Wong.

Wong makes history as the first out lesbian – and the first LGBTQ person of color – confirmed to an ambassador-level role.

Wong will head the Asian Development Bank, which seeks to promote economic development in the Asian-Pacific region.

Passage was bipartisan with 66 senators voting for her confirmation.

The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) applauded the vote.

“When President Biden took office a year ago, he pledged to transform the Executive Branch by including appointments that reflected the full diversity of our great nation – including people of color and members of the LGBTQ+ community,” NCLR Executive Director Imani Rupert-Gordon said in a statement. “From appointing Secretary Buttigieg and Admiral Rachel Levine – the first Senate-confirmed openly gay and transgender cabinet-level appointments respectively – to today’s confirmation of Ambassador Wong, it is clear that President Biden is intent on fulfilling that promise.”
“While there is still much work to be done on elevating LGBTQ nominees to federal judicial roles, we are heartened to see LGBTQ individuals finally being represented in the highest levels of government for the first time in history,” Rupert-Gordon added.

Bill Hormel became the first openly gay ambassador in 1999. He was appointed by former President Bill Clinton.

Wong has previously served as a U.S. representative to the Asian Development Bank.