A U.S. appeals court on Monday ruled against a business owner challenging Colorado's LGBT protections law.

In her lawsuit, Lorie Smith claimed that the law should be withdrawn because it would force her to create wedding websites for gay and lesbian couples.

A three-judge panel of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver denied Smith's challenge to the law, the AP reported.

Smith is represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), an Arizona-based group opposed to LGBT rights. ADF lawyers argued that the law forced Smith to violate her Christian beliefs.

“The government should never force creative professionals to promote a message or cause with which they disagree,” ADF's John Bursch said in a statement. “That is quintessential free speech and artistic freedom.”

LGBT legal group Lambda Legal supported the law in a brief.

“This really isn’t about cake or websites or flowers,” Lambda Legal senior counsel Jennifer C. Pizer said in a statement. “It’s about protecting LGBTQ people and their families from being subjected to slammed doors, service refusals and public humiliation in countless places – from fertility clinics to funeral homes and everywhere in between.”

ADF has said it will appeal the ruling.