Christian conservative Mat Staver has claimed that the Equality Act would force schools to hire pedophiles and “goat lovers.”

Staver is the president of Liberty Counsel, a group which the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has labeled a “hate group” for its promotion of “anti-LGBT discrimination under the guise of religious liberty.”

Last week, the Equality Act, which seeks to add sexual orientation and gender identity to current civil rights laws, cleared the House of Representatives.

(Related: House approves LGBT protections bill Equality Act.)

In an email to supporters sent Friday, Staver claims that if the Equality Act became law, “schools [that] refuse to hire a crossdresser, a pedophile or a goat lover” would be “penalized.”

“I know this sounds absurd – but sadly, it's true,” he added.

“This bill is a Pandora's Box of evil … [that would] force religious institutions to accept and promote homosexual, bisexual, transvestite, transexual and any of the 550 paraphilia behaviors,” Staver wrote.

Staver said that the bill also would protect other “sexual perversions” such as “pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality and more.”

The Equality Act, however, defines sexual orientation to mean “homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality.”

Writing at Right Wing Watch, Peter Montgomery called out Staver's claims.

“Wild accusations from religious-right groups about the Equality Act criminalizing Christianity echo equally false claims that religious-right leaders made more than a decade ago when they were opposing legislation that would add sexual orientation to federal hate crimes laws,” he wrote. “That, of course, has not happened, and more than 11 years after former President Barack Obama signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act into law, religious-right leaders like Staver still have the freedom to spread lies about the LGBTQ community.”