Out Olympian Adam Rippon has teamed up with GLAAD to urge LGBT voters in Pennsylvania to vote.

Pennsylvania is a key battleground state in the 2020 election.

Rippon, who was born in Scranton, has recorded a 1-minute call going out to voters in Pennsylvania.

“Hi, this is Adam Rippon,” Rippon says in the call. “I'm so proud to be working with GLAAD in my home state of Pennsylvania to make sure we have the highest turnout of LGBTQ and allied voters this election year.”

“So much is on the line for my LGBTQ+ friends: Marriage equality, adoption, the safety and dignity of transgender Americans, racial justice.”

“Let's use our voices to create a landslide for equality,” he says, adding that voters should go to glaad.org/action for resource information.

GLAAD has also teamed up with Demi Lovato and Halle Berry to record similar messages for voters in Texas and Ohio.

(Related: Demi Lovato says she's open to dating men and women.)

GLAAD President & CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said that GLAAD was focused on voter turnout this election.

“There is so much on the line for LGBTQ people in the 2020 election, and we continue to dedicate our efforts to ensuring that our community turns out in record numbers this November,” she said. “With the help of allies like Halle Berry and proud LGBTQ stars Demi Lovato and Adam Rippon, we hope to reach as many people as possible across Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania, and all across the country to ensure they have the tools they need to make their voices heard in this critical election.”