Sarah McBride, who is transgender, and Eric Morrison, who is gay, won their Democratic primary races in Delaware on Tuesday.

Delaware, along with Alaska, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee, has never elected an openly LGBT person to its state legislature. (Former Delaware State Senator Karen Peterson came out while in office and did not seek re-election.)

McBride's win sets the stage for her to become the first transgender person elected to a state senate seat in the United States. She also made history in 2016 as the first transgender person to address the Democratic National Convention.

“I'm overwhelmed with gratitude tonight,” McBride said in a statement. “This victory would be impossible without the incredible work of hundreds of grassroots volunteers. It proves that Delaware can show America what is possible when neighbors come together.”

Morrison, a longtime LGBT rights advocate, beat Representative Earl Jaques, a six-term incumbent, by a 22 percent margin. Morrison's campaign questioned Jaques' commitment to LGBT rights, noting he voted against a same-sex marriage bill in 2013 and abstained from voting on a bill that banned conversion therapy for minors. (Such therapies attempt to alter the sexual orientation or gender identity of LGBT youth.)

Morrison, who will face a Republican and a Libertarian candidate in the fall, is considered a strong favorite to win in Delaware's heavily Democratic 27th House District, which includes parts of Newark.

The LGBTQ Victory Fund, which supports openly LGBT candidates, endorsed both candidates.

“At a time when the Trump administration, cynical politicians and too many state legislatures are attempting to use trans people as political weapons, Sarah's win is a powerful reminder that voters are increasingly rejecting the politics of bigotry in favor of candidates who stand for equality,” Annise Parker, CEO of the LGBTQ Victory Fund, said in a statement.

McBride is also running in a heavily Democratic district.

McBride previously worked as a press secretary for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation's largest LGBT rights advocate.

“Next year, as the first transgender state senator in our nation, Sarah will show that any child can achieve their dream, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation,” HRC President Alphonso David said in a statement.

In 2017, Virginia Delegate Danica Roem became the first out transgender person elected to a state legislature. Roem defeated Bob Marshall, a fixture in Virginia politics and an outspoken opponent of LGBT rights. Transgender candidates in Colorado and New Hampshire have since joined Roem, bringing the total number of transgender lawmakers to four. The Victory Fund has endorsed the state legislative campaigns of five additional non-incumbent transgender candidates, including McBride of Delaware, Stephanie Byers of Kansas, Madeline Eden of Texas, Jessica Katzenmeyer of Wisconsin, and Taylor Small of Vermont.

(Related: Del. Bob Marshall insists “sodomy is not a civil right” in explaining vote against gay judge.)

“Three years ago there were zero out trans state legislators anywhere in the country, but each win reinvigorates a virtuous cycle that familiarizes voters with trans people and encourages more trans people to run,” Parker said. “We are optimistic we can double the number of trans state legislators in 2020 – from four to at least eight – and their impact will be felt well beyond the boundaries of their districts.”