Thousands of people on Saturday gathered in the center of Warsaw, Poland demanding the release of a transgender activist accused of hanging rainbow Pride flags on statues.

Several activists were arrested for hanging rainbow Pride flags on statues of Jesus Christ, the astronomer Copernicus, the Warsaw mermaid, and others. Some statues were also adorned with pink face masks.

The flags were part of a protest against the anti-LGBT policies of President Andrzej Duda.

According to Reuters, police detained 48 people on Friday for trying to stop the authorities from arresting Malgorzata “Margot” Szutowicz, a transgender activist accused of taking part in last week's rainbow flag demonstration and cutting the tires of a van that broadcasts anti-LGBT messages. The van drives around the city broadcasting messages such as claiming that gays are a threat to children.

Activists said that the police were physically aggressive toward activists on Friday.

While many protesters were released the following day, Margot, who belongs to the group Stop Bzdurom (Stop the Nonsense), is being held for two months before her trial. Protesters also said that she is being held in a male detention facility.

“We are here to protest against the fact that these people were detained by the police,” a protester told Reuters.

Duda recently won re-election with an anti-LGBT platform. His administration's vocal opposition to LGBT rights has led to towns declaring themselves to be “LGBT-free zones.”

(Related: EU denies funding to six Polish towns that declared themselves “LGBT-free zones.”)

Saturday's gathering was peaceful as the crowd chanted “Give us Margot back!” Most activists wore masks to safeguard against COVID-19.