Out celebrity Andy Cohen has said that he was turned away from donating blood because he's gay, despite the desperate need for blood during the COVID-19 crisis.

Cohen, who recently recovered from the disease, said that his blood was more valuable because it could help save the lives of COVID-19 patients. Doctors hope that administering plasma from recovered patients will speed up recovery for the sickest COVID-19 patients. The therapy has worked with other diseases.

(Related: Andy Cohen says it took him 11 days to get over COVID-19.)

Earlier this month, the FDA relented to pressure from HIV and LGBT advocacy groups and shortened the time men who have sex with men have to wait before donating blood from 12 months to 3.

(Related: Trump says he wasn't involved in decision to ease ban on gay men donating blood.)

"I signed up for a program for COVID-19 survivors where you could donate plasma, which is rich in antibodies, to those still battling the virus," Cohen said on Thursday's episode of Watch What Happens Live. "I was told that, due to antiquated and discriminatory guidelines by the FDA to prevent HIV, I am ineligible to donate blood because I'm a gay man."

The FDA is saying “there is an urgent need for plasma from survivors,” he added.

“Even the new relaxed rules require gay men to abstain from sex for three months, whether they're in a monogamous relationship or not, before giving blood, though no such blanket restrictions exist for people of other sexual orientations,” Cohen said.

Cohen argued that the blood ban was outdated because all blood is screened for HIV and a rapid HIV test gives results in 20 minutes.

“So, why the three-month rule?” Cohen rhetorically asked. “Why are members from my community being excluded from helping out when so many people are sick and dying? Maybe because we're valuing stigma over science? I don't know. My blood could save a life but instead it's over here boiling.”