The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed
to hear a case challenging Philadelphia's ability to prohibit
adoption agencies working with the city from discriminating against
same-sex couples.
In 2018, the city learned that Catholic
Social Services was refusing to place children with gay and lesbian
couples, a violation of the contract the agency signed with the city.
Catholic Social Services sued the city
after it threatened to terminate its contract. The agency claims that
under the First Amendment it can refuse placements with gay families
for religious reasons.
Kasey Suffredini, CEO of Freedom for
All Americans, called on the high court to “affirm that all
children deserve a loving and safe family environment, and that any
family qualified to provide a home is welcome to apply in our
nation's child welfare systems.”
“We all cherish religious freedom and
that’s why it’s protected by our Constitution. But all rights
have limits, and allowing taxpayer-funded child welfare agencies to
pick and choose whom to work with based on the agencies' religious
beliefs is dangerous to young people desperately in need of a home,
and harmful to prospective LGBTQ parents seeking to support children
in need,” Suffredini said in a statement.
The Third Circuit Court of Appeals
upheld a lower court ruling denying a preliminary injunction in favor
of Catholic Social Services and refused to revisit the case before
the full court.
Catholic Social Services is being
represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which advocates
for religious freedom.
Arguments are expected to be heard by
the court in the fall, with a ruling after January.