Only three people showed up for a
Straight Pride event in Dallas on Saturday.
The Dallas
Voice reported that two of the participants were
representatives from Super Happy Fun America, which organized this
summer's Boston Straight Pride Parade. While Boston's event attracted
nationwide attention, counter-protesters far outnumbered
Activist Soraya Colli tweeted
that a member of the Dallas Proud Boys arrived “much later” for
the event.
Saturday's event was organized by the
group Protecting Our Next Generations (PONG), which is headed by
Teresa Richenberger. Richenberger was not present on Saturday.
“We are hosting a March to bring
awareness to the fact that we as the American people are allowing our
values and morals to be compromised! We need to stand up and stop
this from happening!!! NO MORE COMPROMISE!!!!” the group said in a
Facebook post announcing the event.
“*We are strong conservative
Christians who are standing up for our Biblical values.* We will be
discussing: Sex/Human Trafficking; Legalized Prostitution; Marriage
values (One man and one woman); Abortion (It is murder); Genders
(There are only two; XX as female and XY as male); Ploys of the
RADICAL left wing LGBTQ groups trying to shut down our businesses and
churches; Drag Queen Story Times (Stop pushing this onto our
children),” the group added.
The event, held at City Hall Plaza, was
protested by about 20 members of the DFW Anti-Fascist League. About a
dozen police were also present.
Richenberger complained in a Facebook
post that the city “at the last minute” had “price gouged”
them for permits and security. She said that the event would be
postponed to a later date. The two men presumably from Super Happy
Fun America said that a parade was being planned for next year in