A new Iowa poll released Friday shows a
competitive race among four Democrats in the pivotal early state.
The New York Times/Sienna
College Poll placed Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay mayor of South
Bend, Indiana, just a few points behind Senators Elizabeth Warren of
Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders of Vermont, and placed former Vice
President Joe Biden in fourth.
Warren received 22 percent in the poll,
while Sanders had 19. Buttigieg was at 18 percent and Biden at 17
No other candidate received more than 4
At the Liberty & Justice dinner in
Des Moines on Friday, 13,500 Democrats gathered to hear from the
According to POLITICO, “Buttigieg
captured the audience's imagination, articulating a case for
generational change.”
“I didn't just come here to end the
era of Donald Trump,” Buttigieg
told the crowd. “I'm here to launch the era that must come
Buttigieg, a virtual unknown before he
announced his presidential campaign, has invested heavily in Iowa,
which will hold the first presidential contest of the 2020 primary
season in February.
(Related: Poll
on Pete Buttigieg: 50 percent of Americans say they are ready for a
gay president.)