The Arizona law group challenging state LGBT protections laws said in a statement this week that passage of the Equality Act would make LGBT people “more equal than others.”

The Equality Act is a federal bill that seeks to prohibit discrimination against people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. It was re-introduced on Wednesday.

(Related: Pete Buttigieg endorses LGBT protections bill Equality Act.)

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has defended a number of business owners who refuse to serve LGBT people.

In a statement released after the re-introduction of the Equality Act, ADF senior attorney Kristen Waggoner called the legislation “bad news for everyone, and no token carve-outs or religious exemptions can relieve the array of wrongs advanced by the Equality Act.”

“Forced equality of a false reality is not the American way, and it should not become the American way. Long ago, George Orwell poignantly rejected the idea that 'some citizens are more equal than others.' Congress should do no less: It should reject the Equality Act and protect women’s privacy and support equal opportunity for women. The federal government should not turn the clock back on women. We should encourage our representatives to oppose the so-called “Equality Act” and instead support true diversity, tolerance and freedom,” she added.

ADF has represented bakers and florists who argue their faith does not allow them to serve LGBT people.