In an interview with fashion glossy Porter, out actress Ellen Page says she was pressured not to come out as gay.

The 32-year-old Page came out gay in 2014 and last year married Emma Portner. She is currently promoting her latest project, Netflix's The Umbrella Academy.

Page told the magazine that there is one exception to her rule that it is not acceptable to out someone.

“For me, no. I think there's an exception if you are a politician and you're actively participating in destructive and dangerous policies, but it's not acceptable [to out someone] in any other situation,” Page said.

She also said that executives pressured her not to talk about her sexuality.

“I was distinctly told, by people in the industry, when I started to become known, ‘People cannot know you’re gay.' And I was pressured – forced, in many cases – to always wear dresses and heels for events and photoshoots. As if lesbians don’t wear dresses and heels. But I will never let anyone put me in anything I feel uncomfortable in ever again,” Page said.