Appearing Sunday on CNN, Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard said that she has “evolved” on LGBT rights.

Gabbard, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president in 2020, actively opposed LGBT rights in the late 90s and early 2000s.

When she first sought public office in Hawaii, Gabbard was opposed to same-sex marriage and touted working with her father, Mike Gabbard, a leading anti-LGBT activist in Hawaii. As a state lawmaker, she opposed a 2004 bill that sought to recognize gay and lesbian couples with civil unions.

“There seems to be a lot of skepticism among LGBTQ activists that you could go from being so strongly and vehemently, in their view, against their rights to get married, etcetera, to the position you have now,” Jake Tapper, host of State of the Union, said. “How do you convince them that your conversion is legitimate?”

“I have spoken about my upbringing, raised in a very socially conservative household with views and beliefs and things that I no longer hold today,” Gabbard answered. “Like most of the country, my views have evolved to the point where now you can look to my record over the last six years in Congress that reflect what's in my heart and my commitment to fighting for equality, my commitment to fighting for LGBT rights.”

“I have a 100 percent legislative voting record with the Human Rights Campaign. I'm a member of the equality caucus. And again, look forward to continuing to recognize the work that still must be done towards equality and working to make that change happen,” she continued.

In Congress, Gabbard has been a strong supporter of LGBT rights, earning a perfect score in the Human Rights Campaign's (HRC) latest Congressional Scorecard, a measure of a lawmaker's support for such rights. She has also apologized for her past views, most recently in a YouTube video last week.