Groups opposed to LGBT rights have
praised the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
The Senate on Saturday narrowly
confirmed Kavanaugh after a divisive fight and he was sworn in during
a private ceremony. He is expected to take his place on the bench
(Related: LGBT
groups criticize Brett Kavanaugh confirmation.)
Tony Perkins, president of the Family
Research Council (FRC), cheered Kavanaugh's confirmation.
"History was made today as Brett
Kavanaugh overcame an unimaginable smear campaign to be confirmed to
the U.S. Supreme Court,” Perkins said in a statement. “For the
first time in decades, this nomination – his nomination – brought
with it the reality of returning to a truly constitutionalist court.
Many on the Left couldn’t stand such a thought. And for that, he
and his family have paid a tremendous price.”
“While the vacancy on the court has
been filled, the issue of how those on the Left will stop at nothing
in their effort to use the court as the vehicle for their agenda will
continue into Election Day and beyond.”
“This nomination and today’s
confirmation were about the Constitution and the foundational
freedoms it was designed to protect. Today was a major step in the
journey to restore the Constitution to its rightful and intended role
in our Republic,” Perkins added.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
has designated FRC a “hate group” over its anti-LGBT rhetoric.
The American Family Association (AFA),
another SPLC designated “hate group,” also congratulated
Kavanaugh. The group's president, Tim Wildmon, suggested in a press
release that Kavanaugh would vote against issues related to sexual
orientation and gender identity.
“Despite the sleazy tactics used
against Judge Kavanaugh, he has weathered the storm,” Wildmon said
in a statement released Saturday. “His confirmation will have a
positive impact for generations to come.”
“Liberals desperately want absolute
control of the courts to continue their full-throttled attack to
destroy America. Democrats, for example, want to use the courts to
create open borders, to force people of faith to violate their
sincerely held religious beliefs, and to allow boys who think they
are girls into public school restrooms designated for girls only.
This effort will not stop at the lower courts, even in light of Judge
Kavanaugh’s confirmation,” he added.