The man who last year accused Star Trek star George Takei of sexual assault in 1981 is standing by his claims.

Responding to an article published by The Observer which claims that he “changed” his story, Scott Brunton told ABC News that he is not walking back his story.

In November, Brunton told The Hollywood Reporter that Takei in 1981 groped him after a night of drinking. Brunton, then 23, said that he met Takei at a gay bar when Takei was 44 years old. After Brunton broke up with his boyfriend, Takei offered to cheer him up with a night out on the town.

Brunton told The Hollywood Reporter that he “passed out” in a beanbag chair in Takei's apartment.

“The next thing I remember I was coming to and he had my pants down around my ankles and he was groping my crotch and trying to get my underwear off and feeling me up at the same time, trying to get his hands down my underwear," Brunton said. "I came to and said, 'What are you doing?!' I said, 'I don't want to do this.'”

Brunton left the apartment and drove home.

The Observer talked with Brunton, people close to Takei, medical toxicologists and legal experts in sex offenses to conclude that “this story needs to be recast significantly.”

“Brunton, a sympathetic and well-intentioned man, would go on to walk back key details and let slip that, in his effort to be listened to, he'd fabricated some things,” The Observer wrote. “This and other evidence would indicate a hard-to-swallow conclusion: We – both public and press – got the George Takei assault story wrong.”

The piece notes that Brunton did not accuse Takei of drugging him until two days after his initial claims. A toxicologist disagreed. “To recover so speedily doesn't sound like the actions of a drug,” the expert said.

The Observer also noted inconsistencies in interviews Brunton gave, specially that in later accounts he left out any touching.

Speaking with ABC News, Brunton reiterated that Takei had groped him.

“In my mind, there are so many different definitions of groping – there are different degrees,” he told the outlet. “When you're yanking on someone's front and back of their underwear, you can't avoid contact.”

Takei, now 81, has said that such behavior is inconsistent with his values.

“As I stated before, I do not remember Mr. Brunton or any of the events he described from 40 years ago, but I do understand that this was part of a very important national conversation that we as a society must have, painful as it might be,” Takei said in a tweet in response to The Observer's story. “I do not bear Mr. Brunton any ill will, and I wish him peace.”

Brunton also told ABC News that all he wants is an apology.

“I have friends around the world, people I went to school with, basically calling me a liar,” he said. “It's really, really disturbing.”