After the Episcopal Church OK'd the ordination of gay bishops, televangelist Pat Robertson said he supports the demise of the church.

Robertson's latest anti-gay comments came Tuesday, the day after the Episcopal Church voted in favor of lifting their three-year moratorium on the consecration of gay bishops. The self-imposed pause was initiated after the church consecrated its first openly gay bishop, Rev. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire, in 2003.

Robertson made his remarks while discussing the leadership of the Episcopal Church of America on the Christian Broadcasting Network's 700 Club.

“They have lost their way. They were taken over by this controversy having to do with same-sex marriage and the ordination of homosexual bishops. Once they got into that morass and lost their way from scriptural teaching, they didn't have much denomination left,” Robertson said.

“There is a very vibrant denomination coming along, it is called the American Anglican Church, and thousands of people are moving toward it. It's amazing that their presiding bishop is from Rwanda. But nevertheless, they are filled with the flame of the Holy Spirit and we congratulate them.”

“And there will be no tears in my life if the Episcopal Church of America just quietly goes out of business,” Robertson added.

The American Anglican Church is the 100,000-member church that has splintered from the Episcopal Church over the issues of gay clergy and gay marriage. The Anglican Communion – of which the Episcopal Church is the American branch – is one of the largest religious denominations with 77 million members worldwide.

Later in the week, the church also gave bishops the discretion to offer a blessing to gay and lesbian marriages.

Robinson, the sixty-one-year-old bishop at the center of the controversy over gay clergy, told the New York Times that the church is unlikely to fracture.

“I think it will hold,” Robinson, who lives in Weare, New Hampshire with his husband, said. “Now that we've done the, quote, unthinkable, the church won't look much differently than before. Opponents of marriage equality predict the end of Western civilization as we know it if gay couples are allowed to marry. And then when it comes, there's no big whoop.”

Last month, Robertson advised a mother to love her gay son who is going to hell, adding that being gay was a result of abuse.

On the day after Maine legalized gay marriage, Robertson called allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry “the beginning in a long downward slide” to legalized child molestation.

“We haven't taken this to its ultimate conclusion,” Robertson told viewers.

“How can we rule that polygamy is illegal when you say that homosexual marriage is legal. … And what about bestiality and ultimately what about child molestation and pedophilia? … You mark my words, this is just the beginning in a long downward slide in relation to all the things that we consider to be abhorrent.”

Weeks earlier, Robertson suggested a hate crimes bill currently before Congress that protects gay, lesbian and transgender persons against violent bias-related crimes would protect someone who “likes to have sex with ducks” or “little boys.”

“You got somebody, he's really weird, and his sexual orientation is that he likes to have sex with ducks. Is he protected under hate crime? Is he protected if he likes to have sex with little boys?” Robertson asked.

Robertson's renewed interest in attacking gay men and lesbians comes in the wake of a wave of victories for gay advocates, including the legalization of gay marriage in four states – and recognition in the District of Columbia – this year, and a recent upturn of support for gay and lesbian rights.