Newly released Gallup survey findings
shows support for ending “don't ask, don't tell,” the 1993 law
that prescribes discharge as the remedy for gay service members who
do not remain closeted or celibate, has increased by six percentage
points from 2004. But the largest gains in support have come from
conservatives and weekly churchgoers.
A majority (58%) of conservatives
approve of open gay service, a figure 12 percentage points higher
than in November 2004, while support from weekly churchgoers has
clocked up by 11 percent to 60%.
President Obama pledged during his
campaign to end the discriminatory law, but grumbling about the pace
of reform has grown louder as the administration has increasingly
distanced itself from the issue.
The Pentagon and the White House have
offered conflicting statements on the current state of repeal,
leading many gay activists to call out Obama on his claims of
But the new figures suggest that
conservative political retribution from repeal might not be as
wounding as opponents have vociferously claimed, altering the
political field on the issue considerably.
Pollsters contacted 1,015 adults
nationwide during May 7 – 10 by telephone.