An Alabama drive-in has canceled show times for Disney's upcoming live-active remake of Beauty and the Beast over a gay character.

Director Bill Condon last week told UK gay glossy Attitude that LeFou, played by Josh Gad, would have a “nice, exclusively gay moment.”

According to, the Henagar Drive-In Theater announced Thursday that it will not show the film.

“If we cannot take our 11-year-old granddaughter and 8-year-old grandson to see a movie, we have no business watching it,” the theater said in a Facebook post. “If I can't sit through a movie with God or Jesus sitting by me then we have no business showing it.”

LeFou's admiration for Gaston, the story's ultra-masculine villain played by out actor Luke Evans, had left many fans speculating about their relationship.

Beauty and the Beast opens on March 17.