Out singer Melissa Etheridge said this
week that she believes that President Donald Trump is a bigger threat
to LGBT rights than Vice President Mike Pence.
Before performing at the 14th
annual Woman's Day Red Dress Awards at Lincoln Center, Etheridge told
the New York Daily News about bumping into Trump two years ago
at the wedding of a gay couple.
“I can't speak [for the couple], but
this is New York City and I'm sure there's a lot of people who worked
with [Trump] and socialized with him who are rolling their eyes and
going, 'Really?'” Etheridge
said about the president's pick for vice president.
She added that she has more respect for
Pence than Trump because his views – including his outspoken
opposition to LGBT rights – are consistent.
“At least Mike Pence, even if he's
against my lifestyle and he's very conservative, he at least had a
certain … to the social conservatives there was at least a sense of
… following the rules,” Etheridge said. There's more to worry
about Trump “because there's an uneducated, unregulated part of