Police in Sydney, Australia arrested
two men for allegedly attacking two gay men at a McDonald's.
According to the Star Observer,
a drunken man was disturbing patrons at the fast food chain when Sam
and Andrew, not their real names, confronted him.
“He was saying things like how white
men rule now that Trump has won,” Sam
said. “I was horrified. I turned around to the guy and said,
'I'm gay. Do you have a problem with that?' And with that he went
He started shouting, “Trump won.
Straight white men rule!”
Friends of the Trump supporter dragged
him out the restaurant.
Sam and Andrew were attacked as they
left the McDonald's.
“He hit me on the head,” Sam said.
“And because I'm a pretty big guy, I went down hard – immediately
there was blood everywhere. He kept mouthing off, but when he hit my
head things went a bit blurry from that point.”
“I looked up [from my phone] and he
was bleeding all over his face,” Andrew said, adding that he was
also hit, possibly with a piece of glass.
Police arrived at the scene and
arrested two men aged 21 and 18.
“Don't just assume it's 2016 and
everything's okay, because clearly what's happening in the world is
affecting people's judgment and mentality,” Sam said. “When
you're hearing that 72 percent of the population wants marriage
equality, but we're still getting bashed. It's horrific.”