A boycott campaign against Target was
launched last week over the retailer's transgender-inclusive
2ndVote's #AnywhereButTarget campaign
claims that Target is promoting a “dangerous social agenda.”
“This Christmas season, we're sending
a message to one of the top corporate supporters of the liberal, LGBT
agenda and we need your help,” the
group's website states.
“Not only has Target publicly
advertised that its stores’ gender specific facilities – changing
rooms and bathrooms – are open to all comers, regardless of
biological sex, but Target has also stood by the policy, despite
falling revenues,” the group added. ”It’s time to make Target
understand that there are consequences for supporting a radical
movement that is determined to redefine marriage, gender, and,
ultimately, the 1st Amendment.”
a video message, Lance Wray, executive director of 2ndVote,
accused Target of putting its “radical politics” ahead of “common
sense or safety.”
Target jumped into the fray over North
Carolina's first-in-the-nation law that prohibits transgender people
from using the bathroom of their choice when it announced that
transgender people were free to use the bathroom or changing room
that they identify with. A backlash from conservative groups
prompted the retailer to accelerate plans to install single stall
bathrooms in all of its stores.
this month, Target reported improved traffic and
higher-than-expected profits in the fiscal third quarter. While
same-store sales declined 0.2 percent, that was better than most
analysts expected.