The National Organization for Marriage
(NOM) was quick to point out that President-elect Donald Trump
supports a bill that would undermine the marriages of gay and lesbian
NOM said in a statement that it would
work with the Trump administration to approve the First Amendment
Defense Act (FADA) and eventually roll back marriage equality.
“We will work with President Trump
and Congress to pass the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), which
Mr. Trump supports,” NOM said in a statement. “FADA is critical
legislation to protect people who believe in marriage from being
targeted by the government for persecution.”
Introduced two days after the Supreme
Court released its historic finding that gay couples have a
constitutional right to marry, FADA seeks to ban federal
“discriminatory action” against those who oppose the unions of
same-sex couples based on a “religious belief or moral conviction.”
“If Congress considers the First
Amendment Defense Act a priority, then I will do all I can to make
sure it comes to my desk for signature and enactment,” Trump said
in a letter published last December by conservative outlet The
NOM also said that it would work with
Trump to overturn the high court's decision in Obergefell.
“We will work with President Trump to
nominate conservative justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, individuals
who will adhere to the words and meaning of the constitution. Such
justices will inevitably reverse the anti-constitutional ruling of
the Supreme Court imposing same-sex 'marriage' on the nation in the
Obergefell decision, because that decision lacked any basis in
the constitution,” the group wrote.
During the GOP primary, NOM backed
Texas Senator Ted Cruz for the presidential nomination, saying that
Trump had abandoned the fight against marriage equality. In
an ad that ran in South Carolina, the group urged GOP voters to
“dump Trump” over the issue.