Sex advice columnist Dan Savage
believes Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump might be
happier if he were gay.
Savage, who is openly gay, laid out his
theory during an appearance on Slate's The Gist podcast with
Mike Pesca.
“I've encountered over my life
straight guys who hated women so much that you could almost sense
that if gay was a choice, they would make it,” Savage
“They're condemned to sit with both
their hatred and disgust with women and their fear of women's bodies
and their insecurity and their need for them, their desire for them,
because they are who they are sexually attracted to, and the
cognitive dissonance that can produce. You see those guys who are
much more comfortable in the company of men, but they need this
thing. They need this woman. And they need her as an object –
they can't see her as a human being, or see them as human beings.”
“Is Trump gay? I don't think Trump
is gay. But Trump would be a messy, misogynistic gay man if he were
a gay man. He might be happier, because then he wouldn't have to
interact with women at all, ever.”
“I'm more concerned that like climate
change assault is now a partisan issue,” Savage added, a reference
to Trump boasting that he grabs women by the genitals. “And that's
going to play out for 30 years. You've the Giulianis and the
Gingriches from their moral high grounds defending this. You've got
rank-and-file Republican knuckle-draggers – including Republican
women – defending this.”