Log Cabin Republicans, the nation's largest organization representing gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Republicans, has voted against endorsing Donald Trump for president.

According to Politico, the group's 14-member national board on Tuesday narrowly voted to “withhold” its endorsement.

“Withholding an endorsement is not the same thing as opposing someone's nomination,” Log Cabin Republicans President Gregory T. Angelo told Politico. “There were members of our national board of directors who had very passionate feelings in favor of both.”

Angelo said that a majority of state Log Cabin chapters supported endorsing the Republican nominee. However, state chapters may not endorse national candidates.

Angelo added that while Trump “could be the most pro-LGBT president that this county has ever had,” his inconsistencies “presented enough reservations such that the board did not feel comfortable putting the full face of our 40-year-old brand behind the Republican Party's nominee for president.”

In 2004, the official national group withheld its endorsement of George W. Bush.