Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on Friday promised that if elected president he would ignore the Supreme Court's June ruling striking down gay marriage bans in all 50 states.

Huckabee made his comments during the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa.

“Here's what the president should do, and if I were president this is what I would do,” Huckabee said. “On the same-sex marriage decision, I would simply say, 'It is not law.' It is not law because the people's elected representatives have not made it law and there is nothing in the constitution that gives the Supreme Court power to make a law. They are the Supreme Court, they are not the supreme branch or the supreme being.”

“And so, when people say, 'What can we do? Let's introduce a constitutional amendment, let's propose a – .' No. Let's just exhibit and exercise the power that is already within the constitutional authority and structure and the president simply say, 'Thank you for your opinion, but we shall ignore it, because there's nothing in the constitution that affirms that and we are not going to impose upon all 50 states something that the federal government has no control over, which is the definition of marriage,'” he added.

Also appearing at the conference were Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who are also running for the White House as Republicans. Jindal told the crowd that “no earthly court can change the definition of marriage.”

The three candidates have been criticized for appearing at the conference, which was organized by right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson, a vocal opponent of LGBT rights who blamed homosexuality for Hurricane Sandy and Colorado floods.