Kellie Maloney, boxing's first transgender promoter, was recently profiled by Fox Sports.

Maloney, as Frank, climbed her way to the top of the boxing world managing Lennox Lewis to the undisputed heavyweight title.

Loud, boisterous and homophobic – she once said gays don't “do a lot for society” – Maloney had achieved what many believed to be impossible.

“I'd achieved the impossible as a manager that no one expected me to achieve,” Maloney said in the 11-minute segment.

Under this strong persona, Maloney struggled with her identity.

“I've always felt different from [an] early age, from the age of three. But I never really understood it or what it was. I decided to try and just bottle it up, fight it and get on with my life,” she said.

She added that her larger-than-life persona was her coping mechanism: “It was like being on a stage and it was about acting. … The more outrageous I was, the better it was for me.”

In 2012, Maloney quit boxing and with the support of her wife and three daughters began her transition. In April, 2015, she announced that her gender reassignment was complete.

Now, she's returned to boxing.

Ambrose Mendy, a British boxing promoter, told Fox Sports that Maloney would not be accepted in the boxing world.

“The boxing world is sexist,” he said. “I'm all for change. You're looking for a miracle to happen.”

Maloney recently made her debut as a boxing manager and promoter in Scotland.

“Kellie looks at the world in a completely different way,” she said. “I'm a lot more content with myself. … I'm [like] a young person again, but with a wise head on my shoulders.” (The video is embedded on this page. Visit our video library more more videos.)