Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee warned earlier this month that Christians opposed to marriage equality must be “willing to suffer” as a result of defying the Supreme Court's recent ruling striking down gay marriage bans in all 50 states.

At the Western Conservative Summit held last month on the day that the high court released its ruling, Colorado State Representative Gordon Klingenschmitt, a Republican who runs a Christian conservative YouTube ministry in his spare time, asked Huckabee about what opponents should expect as they carry out civil disobedience in response to the decision.

“I think in all of our lives there comes moments where we have to decide, do we obey God or do we obey a decision that we believe is unlawful,” Huckabee answered. “Martin Luther King perhaps taught us best in our own lifetime. And there were laws he disobeyed because he believed that they were unjust laws.”

“He was willing to suffer for his decisions. And I think that is what we have to accept. Is that, we would be wiling to follow our conscience.”

Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist minister and ardent opponent of LGBT rights, has repeatedly called on Christians to disobey the ruling.