A lesbian couple on Tuesday filed a federal lawsuit seeking to have their out-of-state marriage recognized by Puerto Rico.

Ada Conde, an attorney, and Ivonne Alvarez, an accountant and financial adviser, married in 2004 in Massachusetts, the first state to allow gay couples to marry.

“We wish to enjoy the same social privileges and contractual rights … and not to be treated as we are being treated as second-class citizens,” Conde told the AP.

Puerto Rican laws limit marriage to heterosexual couples and prohibit the state from recognizing the legal out-of-state marriages of gay and lesbian couples.

The couple, together 14 years, said that despite being lawfully married, Alvarez was not allowed to participate in the decision-making process when Conde's young daughter was hospitalized.

Puerto Rican lawmakers last year approved measures which prohibit employment discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation and extend a domestic violence law to gay couples.