Texas Rep. Randy Weber, a Republican, has proposed a bill which seeks to prohibit federal recognition of the marriages of gay couples who live in states where such unions are not allowed.

The federal government started recognizing the legal marriages of gay couples regardless of where they live after the Supreme Court in June ruled invalid a key portion of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which prohibited federal agencies from recognizing such unions.

Weber's State Marriage Defense Act of 2014 would limit the federal government to recognizing the marriages of gay couples who live in one of the 17 states where gay couples are allowed to marry.

“My bill, H.R. 3829, basically says that the federal agencies has [sic] to look to the state law of domicile, where the people live, and apply that state's laws,” Weber said during an appearance on FRC's Washington Watch. “In other words, you can't get married in Massachusetts … or any other state and then come in to Texas and claim that you want benefits under same-sex marriages through federal agencies. You have to recognize Texas' definition of marriage.”

Weber incorrectly added that the 11 states (it's 17) that have legalized gay nuptials “don't get to impose their will on the rest of us.”

After speaking to Weber on his radio show, FRC President Tony Perkins strongly endorsed the congressman's legislation in a statement.

“Family Research Council strongly supported the Defense of Marriage Act, and disagreed with the Court's decision in Windsor,” Perkins said. “However, if the federal government is required to defer to state determinations of which of their residents are 'married,' it must defer to those determinations in all fifty states – not just those that have redefined marriage.”