Author-activist Dan Savage helped inaugurate a pro-LGBT Christian
video project.
The Not All
Like That (NALT) project is similar to the It Gets Better
project, in which celebrities, politicians and everyday folks urge
troubled LGBT teens to hang in there, because life eventually gets
better. Savage co-founded the It Gets Better project with his
husband Terry Miller in 2010.
“The NALT Christians project is Christians – and hopefully no
small number of straight Christians – talking to LGBT people and to
other Christians, LGBT and straight,” Savage explained in a nearly
3-minute video posted at the nascent group's website. “NALT stands
for Not All Like That. It's a term I came up with because at my
talks Christians were forever coming up to me and saying, 'We're not
all like that. We don't all hate and condemn gay people.'”
“If you're a Christian who believes that God cares no more about
a person's sexual orientation or gender identity than God cares about
the color of a person's hair or eyes, make an Not All Like That
video,” Savage added. “If you don't take that step, if you don't
speak up, then know that your silence allows the Tony Perkins and Pat
Robertsons of this world to speak for you.” (The video is embedded
on this page. Visit
our video library for more videos.)
Wayne Besen, executive director of Truth Wins Out, which confronts
the “ex-gay” movement, said
in a blog post that his group and Christian author John Shore had
created the project.