Pat Brady's new job is lobbying for passage of a gay marriage bill in Illinois.

Brady stepped down from his post as the chairman of the Illinois Republican party in May, four months after he announced his support for a proposed marriage bill in Illinois.

According to, Brady's nascent firm, Next Generation Party, has been hired by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Illinois to lobby other Republicans on the issue. Brady and Matt Straw, a former chairman of the Iowa Republican Party, co-founded the company.

“Liberty, freedom and equality under the law are all things that Republicans and conservatives have believed in for a long, long time,” Brady told WBEZ radio. “So I don't have any qualms with that, and I'm really excited to help work with them and get this done right in Illinois.”

The marriage bill stalled earlier this year in the House after passage in the Senate on Valentine's Day. Rep. Greg Harris, the measure's champion in the House, has pledged a vote sometime in the fall.