In what is being described as a first in the GOP, a local Republican party organization in California has endorsed gay marriage.

The Marin County Republican Party at its monthly meeting on Thursday voted in favor of backing marriage equality.

“This is our opportunity to redefine ourselves to the people of Marin County,” Kevin Krick, chairman of the local party, told The Los Angeles Times. “We wanted to demonstrate that we are inclusive.”

The local party's stance bucks the state and national Republican Party's opposition to gay nuptials.

“This underscores the fact that Republicans are no longer walking lockstep on the issue of marriage equality,” said Gregory T. Angelo, executive director of gay GOP group Log Cabin Republicans.

Krick said that his party's opposition to marriage equality has been a significant obstacle to recruiting in liberal Marin County, where fewer than 20 percent of residents are registered Republicans and more than 75 percent of voters opposed Proposition 8, California's former constitutional amendment limiting marriage to heterosexual couples.

“We were completely out of sync with the majority of the population here,” Krick said.