Sir Richard Branson has recorded a video for the Out4Marriage campaign which calls for global gay marriage.

The 61-year-old Sir Richard, the founder of the Virgin group, calls marriage a “key right” in his nearly 2-minute video.

“Over the years, across the world, gay people have been given more and more rights. But in the UK, much of the US and many other countries one key right is denied: the right for every couple in love to marry. Getting married myself and giving my daughter Holly away at her wedding last year are among the proudest days of my life. Everybody should be able to experience those moments if they wish to do so, regardless of their sexuality.” (The video is embedded in the right panel of this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)

Sir Richard's contribution to the campaign was lauded by Mike Buonaiuto of the Out4Marriage campaign.

“Sir Richard's contribution to Out4Marriage shows that changing the law not only has growling levels of support across the political spectrum but also from leading figures in the world of business and popular culture,” Buonaiuto told