Rick Perry has sunk to a new low, says Bishop Gene Robinson, the Episcopal Church's first openly gay bishop, in response to the Republican's anti-gay ad released in early caucus state Iowa.

In the 30-second ad, titled Strong, Perry says there is something wrong with America when gay troops can serve openly in the military but children cannot openly celebrate Christmas and accuses President Barack Obama of waging a war on religion.

(Related: Rick Perry heckled over anti-gay ad during Ames appearance.)

In an op-ed published Tuesday in The Washington Post, Robinson chided Perry.

“It is breathtaking (and not in a good way) when someone who aspires to be the Commander in Chief denigrates the soldiers he means to command. Just like all the other soldiers in our military, our gay and lesbian soldiers are dodging bullets and IED's to preserve our rights as Americans.”

“The blood of gay and lesbian soldiers flows as readily and as redly as that of other young Americans fighting in Afghanistan, yet Gov. Perry feels free to use them as political cannon fodder for his campaign. In an attempt to garner conservative Christian votes, he would stigmatize these brave young men and women who are, as we speak, risking their lives on our behalf. If this is patriotism, count me out!”

As bishop of the diocese of New Hampshire, Robinson's views could influence the outcome of next month's primary.

(Related: Rick Perry supports Boy Scouts' right to discriminate against gays.)