A choral concert Friday night in
Duluth, Minnesota raised funds and awareness to fight a proposed gay
marriage ban in the state.
The Brave Souls & Dreamers concert
by the 90-member One Voice Mixed Chorus, which includes gay, lesbian,
bisexual, transgender and allied people, took place at the Pilgrim
Church in Duluth. Proceeds were donated to Minnesotans United for
all Families, the coalition of groups working to defeat the proposed
constitutional amendment at the polls next November.
The concert celebrated the lives of
civil rights leaders Harvey Milk, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa,
Judy Shepard and more, and featured the music of Bob Dylan, Holly
Near and Stephen Sondheim. The choir also premiered Brave Souls
and Dreamers, an original arrangement inspired by “the words of
peacemakers from around the globe.”
“Marriage is about family and family
is about love, respect and commitment,” volunteer Gary Anderson
told ABC affiliate WDIO. “And everybody deserves to be in a loving
family that has the respect of their neighbors and the respect of the
state.” (The video is embedded in the right panel of this page.
our video library for more videos.)