U.K. rugby star Ben Cohen on Tuesday told MSNBC host Thomas Roberts that he expects a gay athlete to come out at the height of his or her career to effect the most people.

Cohen, who recently retired, is touring four U.S. cities in two weeks to promote greater acceptance of LGBT people and end homophobia in the world of professional sports.

“I passionately believe [if] someone is going to come out in sport, they need to do it at the top of their game. That will be the most effect that will have to the public,” Cohen told Roberts.

“I think that by doing it too early could cost you your job. Wrongly. Very wrongly, it could cost you your job. I think, if you're going to create a following, because you will, because people will look up to you as a famous sports person, as a world-class sportsman. Then, you're better off coming out on top of your game.” (The video is embedded in the right panel of this page.)

Cohen's Standup Foundation in the U.S. will be based out of Atlanta.