Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), traveled to Russia to testify in favor of a law that bans foreign couples living in countries where gay marriage is legal from adopting Russian born children. The United States is one of the countries targeted by the law.

According to Right Wing Watch, a project of People for the American Way, Brown testified before the legislative committee considering the legislation.

“We have actually seen that in some schools, they are talking to children about homosexuality,” Brown said of the United States, “but in fact they don't have the right to learn about a lot of things like that until a certain age.”

Brown diverted slightly in the messaging he frequently uses, adding that children have a right to “normal” parents, not just their biological family.

“I think that this visit, the invitation to visit Russia, will enable the development of this movement around the world. We will band together, we will defend our children and their normal civil rights. Every child should have the right to have normal parents: a father and a mother,” Brown said.

Brown went further in a television interview, suggesting that laws aimed at discriminating against LGBT people would help ward off “negative developments.”

“Right now you're having to fight about adoption, but the adoption issue is indivisible from the marriage issue,” Brown said. “If you don't defend your values now, I'm afraid we're going to see very negative developments all over the world.”