LGBT law groups suing the Trump administration over its ban on transgender troops say the government is distorting evidence to prevent transgender people from enlisting in the military.

On Friday, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) filed their opposition to the administration's request to delay the January 1, 2018 effective date for transgender people to enlist in the military. The government argues that the military is not ready to accept transgender recruits and that it would be unproductive to accept transgender recruits considering its stated goal of prohibiting transgender people from serving in the military.

(Related: Trump administration seeks to delay transgender people from enlisting in military.)

“Trump administration claims that our highly sophisticated and capable military is unprepared to implement a minor policy change after years of preparation are simply not credible,” said NCLR Legal Director Shannon Minter. “The military has studied this issue extensively and determined that permitting qualified transgender people to enlist and serve will only strengthen our nation’s armed forces.”

“This question has been asked and answered already by this Court,” said GLAD Transgender Rights Project Director Jennifer Levi. “The military has had nearly a year and a half to be ready to implement an enlistment policy its own leaders created and adopted. It strains credulity to argue it is not prepared to do so. It’s time to move forward and allow enlistment by qualified transgender Americans who wish to serve.”

In their filing, GLAD and NCLR cited a Palm Center policy report that calls out the Trump administration for filing a court document that “rewrites the history of transgender military policy and distorts the evidence” about transgender service.

In the policy report, titled Military Professors Refute Trump Administration Assertion that Armed Forces Are Not Ready for Transgender Recruits, a panel of six current and former military professors challenge the claim that the Pentagon is unprepared to admit transgender applicants.

The case is one of four challenging the president's ban. Oral arguments in Stockman v. Trump, a federal lawsuit filed in California, are scheduled for Monday, December 11.