Gay groups are outraged by the Museum of Broadcast Communications' decision to induct Christian fundamentalist James Dobson into the National Radio Hall of Fame in Chicago.

The organization is set to induct Dobson into the Radio Hall November 8th during their annual induction ceremonies.

As founder of the Christian fundamentalist ministry Focus on the Family, Dobson's daily radio message has been heard on thousands of radio stations throughout the country for nearly twenty years.

Truth Wins Out (TWO) Executive Director Wayne Besen was the first gay activist to rail against the nominee.

“It is simply unconscionable that the museum is giving its imprimatur to a demagogue who has profited from divisive and discriminatory rhetoric,” said Besen on the group's website.

The Chicago-based Gay Liberation Network (GLN) and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) also say Dobson is unworthy of the honor.

“Museums should be places that celebrate the best of human endeavor, not the worst,” wrote GLN Co-Founder Andy Thayer in an open letter to Bruce DuMont, president of the Museum of Broadcast Communications.

Dobson's anti-gay rhetoric goes far beyond intolerance, the protesting groups say.

Besen, an outspoken critic of the Colorado-based ministry, said Dobson's group was “responsible for much of the hate against gay and lesbian people in America, because they pump out huge amounts of anti-gay propaganda that demeans our lives and devalues our families. ... What they do is Orwellian.”

“Dobson has set up a fib factory that portrays gay people as perverted, dysfunctional and sick. When these lies filter down into society it causes discrimination and even hate crimes,” Besen told On Top Magazine in September.

In his daily radio program and in interviews, Dobson has said that gays cannot contain themselves to be monogamous and that they would destroy marriage and “[gay marriage] will destroy Earth.” Focus on the Family along with evangelical Christian groups American Family Association and Concerned Women for American have given a combined $1.4 million in support of California's proposed gay marriage ban – Proposition 8.

Dobson is also the primary sponsor of Love Won Out, a multi-city conference tour that seeks to “cure” gays of their sexuality.

Besen calls the ex-gay ministry profiteering and “dishonest.” “Dobson continues to promote dishonest psychological theories about gay people that are rejected by every respected medical and mental health association in America, including the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association.”

The coalition of gay groups are planning to protest Dobson's induction on November 8th and have created a website with additional information at