Indiana Governor Mike Pence on Wednesday suggested that a Donald Trump administration would reverse federal protections for transgender students.

The Obama administration in May directed public school districts to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms that match their gender identity. The guidance does not have the force of law but districts that do not comply risk lawsuits or possibly the loss of federal aid.

During the GOP primary, Trump stated that states should decide whether transgender students can use the bathroom of their choice.

“I think this should be a states' issue,” Trump said when asked on Fox News' Fox & Friends about the guidance.

Trump told The Washington Post at the time that he would rescind the guidance.

Pence accused the administration of overreaching during an appearance on Family Talk, a radio show hosted by James Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, and affirmed Trump's position on the issue.

“[T]here's no area of our lives too small for [the Obama administration] to want to regulate,” he said. “No aspect of our Constitution too large for them to be willing to ignore.”

“Donald Trump and I simply believe that all of these issues are best resolved at the state level by the people of communities, by the standards they want to set,” Pence said.