In an interview with gay glossy Out, Laura Jane Grace, the lead singer, songwriter and guitarist of Against Me!, talks about her upcoming album and memoir.

Grace, who came out transgender in a 2012 Rolling Stone interview, told Out that her first memoir, Tranny: Confessions of Punk Rock's Most Infamous Anarchist Sellout, goes back to her childhood and is mostly about her wrestling with her gender identity.

“[The book] starts at the beginning, giving context to where I was born and my upbringing,” Grace said. “I grew up in a military family and went from army base to army base until my parents moved to Florida when I was 12. But with that, the book talks heavily about my experience with gender dysphoria and growing up closeted.”

“The new Against Me! Album, Shape Shift With Me, wrestles with love,” Out noted, “which is not exactly a familiar topic for the band..”

“All I could really focus on was writing love songs,” Grace responded. “A lot of that had to do with going through a three-year-long divorce and being single after having been married for seven years. Like, who am I right now? How do I relate to people when I’m dating? People throw around 'promising forever' pretty easily. What does it fucking mean? [The album] also examines the power dynamics in relationships and how that’s based on gender, especially how it’s perceived when singing about it as a transitioning person. Do people perceive my voice as male, or female, or androgynous, and does that influence how they’re perceiving what I’m singing about?”

Grace added that German director Werner Herzog should provide the narration for the audio version of Tranny, which arrives on November 15.