Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on Monday reiterated his assertion that the government should ignore the Supreme Court on gay marriage.

In an interview with David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Huckabee pledged to undermine gay rights if elected president.

Asked what the would do as president about the Supreme Court's ruling striking down gay marriage bans in all 50 states, Huckabee reiterated that only Congress can create laws.

“When people say the train left the station, it’s the law of the land, there’s nothing we can do, let’s move on. I want to say, ‘Have you guys read the Constitution, did you pass 9th grade civics?' The court can't make law,” Huckabee said. “We pretend that it can and I’m convinced that a lot of people give that sort of response because they don’t want to have to deal with the complexities of the constitution, which says that there are checks and balances. If we surrender to the judicial branch as if it is the last, final and ultimate word, then we have surrendered to judicial tyranny which is what Jefferson warned us about and the reason that he rejected some Supreme Court arguments as simply being something he couldn’t accept and he didn’t…as did Jackson, as did Lincoln. This notion that the Supreme Court ruled it and therefore it's the law of the land bypasses the only entity in our government that can make the law of the land: the legislative branch, and it's not even law until the president signs it and agrees to enforce it. And first of all, a president, if he's not going to uphold that part of the constitution, get out of the race because you're going to be lying when you take the oath and say you'll uphold and defend the constitution because on its face, you're not defending it, neither are you upholding it when you surrender to the god of judicial supremacy so we've got to start there and I certainly would start there.”

Huckabee went on to pledge to aggressively “defend religious liberty and the rights of people of faith and conscience whether they're business owners acting as individuals, whether they're hospitals, churches, schools, adoption agencies” so that “no one's religious liberty will be trampled upon because they refuse to bow to something that violates nature and nature's God. Words, that by the way, I borrowed right out of the Declaration of Independence.”