An Indiana lesbian couple who married in Illinois have asked a federal judge to force Indiana to recognize their marriage.

According to, Veronica Romero and Mayra Yvette Rivera of Whiting, Indiana married on March 7 in Illinois.

The lawsuit lists Lake County Clerk Michael A. Brown, Indiana Health Commissioner Dr. William C. Vanness and Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller as defendants.

Rivera, who is undergoing chemotherapy treatments for ovarian cancer, entered hospice care in late July. In the event of Rivera's death, the couple wants Indiana to issue a death certificate listing Romero as her legal spouse.

“Through its marriage ban, the state sends a purposeful message that the state views lesbian and gay men and their children as second-class members of society who are undeserving of the legal sanction, respect and support that different-sex spouses and their families enjoy,” the lawsuit states.

State officials this week asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review an appeals court's ruling striking down Indiana's ban. A federal appeals court has ordered the state to recognize the marriage of Amy Sandler and Niki Quasney, who is terminally ill.

(Related: Wisconsin, Indiana ask Supreme Court to overturn rulings axing gay marriage bans.)

UPDATE: The state has agreed to recognize the women's marriage.