Openly gay women's ski jumper Daniela Iraschko-Stolz of Austria has said that protesting Russia's anti-gay laws is not a good idea.

“I don't think it's a good idea to make protests here, no one cares,” Iraschko-Stolz told the AP on Sunday.

The 30-year Iraschko-Stolz married her parter Isabel Stolz last year and is considered a gold medal favorite in the women's normal hill.

The run-up to Friday's opening of the Winter Olympics in Sochi has been marred by Russia's “gay propaganda” law, which prohibits the promotion of gay rights in public spaces.

But Iraschko-Stolz insisted she was in Sochi to compete as an athlete.

“I am here as a sportswoman,” she said. “I always say I'm together with my woman now and don't have any problems, not in Russia or with the Austrian federation. Ten years ago it was different.”

She added that “to jump pretty good is also a statement.”