Rome Mayor Ignazio Marino says gay and lesbian couples in love should get married.

The 58-year-old Marino, a prominent transplant surgeon, was elected mayor of Rome in June.

During an appearance on HuffPost Live, Marino was asked his views on allowing gay couples to adopt children and marry, neither of which is legal in Italy. (However, gay couples are allowed to serve as foster parents.)

“By training I am a surgeon. I see either black or white,” Marino said. “A few weeks ago a lot of people were surprised, because they asked me the same question. And what I answer is, 'Look I believe that if a couple loves each other, they should get married.' I don't see where the problem is.”

Marino said he's evolved on adoption, stating that he's seen firsthand that gay couples can provide a child with a loving home.

“I changed completely my idea,” he said. (The video is embedded on this page. Visit our video library for more videos.)