After backing an “ex-gay” group, Maggie Gallagher, a co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), claims she's not qualified to express an opinion on “ex-gay” therapy.

Last week, the 52-year-old Gallagher praised lawyer Chuck Limandri as “brave” for defending JONAH, a New Jersey-based Jewish “ex-gay” group, in a lawsuit filed by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

“Chuck Limandri, my old friend from the Carrie Prejean, Prop 8 fights, is a heckuva a lawyer and one brave man,” Gallagher wrote. “He's taking on the Southern Poverty Law Center's massive legal machine to defend the right of Jewish gay people to seek help.”

On Thursday, she backpedaled, saying that she was not backing such therapies.

“My last NRO post on Chuck Limandri and the case he will argue tomorrow in court in Jersey City has generated predictable headline in the gay/left press that I'm now backing 'conversion therapy,'” she wrote. “I don't back something called 'conversion therapy.' I don't even really know what conversion therapy is, and I'm not qualified to express an opinion on a particular kind of therapy.”

“I back the right of gay people to seek the kind of counseling help they want, not the kind the SPLC lawyers want them to have, including help to live their sexual lives with integrity, according to their own values, not the SPLC's values. That's all.”

“Gallagher is lying,”'s Luke Brinker wrote in response.

“Her organization has consistently trumpeted 'ex-gay' therapy, including urging supporters to oppose a ban on the degrading practice.”

“This isn't the first time Gallagher has lied about her support for 'ex-gay' therapy. In February 2012, she appeared on MSNBC's Up with Chris Hayes, where she asserted that despite NOM's frequent promotion of pro-conversion therapy articles, neither she nor the organization backed the practice,” Brinker added.